Thursday, November 15, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are top issues when considering new media. We as users of these areas of new media should be greatly informed and want to know about these pressing issues are it relates to all of us. Internet and online class, peer-to-peer sharing or file sharing, blog sites, podcast, youtube videos, virtual worlds etc. There are many concerns that we as new up and coming communication, journalist, writers, producers etc. should be worried about.

Many of us are aware of the issues with Intellectual properties. These areas are things that are underlining turning points for us as young professionals coming into a world that is all but nice.
For example I have a few friends that have personal blogs that they take very seriously because that is their passion. There is nothing wrong with that, because blogs are like the new magazines/newspapers. But with that said, the information they are including in their blogs and their creative “nitch” is not copy righted. Being a somewhat veteran in the business realm I am aware of these issues an can show some light on the topic for them, but others are not as lucky to have people like me.

I know play-writers, movie producers, singers, song writers, artist, etc. that have had their life’s work taken from them all because they didn’t have it copy written or did research on starting a business before dealing with clients.

Giving information, work, etc. and posting it on the internet is not the best way to go until you have all the information that is needed to protect yourself.

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