Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Media and Society

What have been some of the effects of the new media on society?

I can say that new media has had a major impact and effects on society as a whole. There have been I know for sure an increase on cyber crimes, internet stalking, money loss/gain etc.

Although new media is the way to go, who is really benefiting from? The creators or the users? 

We as consumers have to be aware of these things and not remind "blind" on the subject/changes at hand. We have to think- is this helping me?

For example- Facebook- we all know this is a big multi-billion dollar site now, but is it more a benefit for the users or the creators and its investor/business partners?

Pros for User-
Access to friend and family, find old friends, reminders of birthdays, "investigating" (stalking for the stalker just got easier)

Cons for Users-
personal information in the public, numerous advertisements and ads, stalkers, jobs doing "research" before they hire you, etc

In my opinion it's a very thin line for the pros and cons of new media and its effect on society - Its just how you think of it


The Next New Thing

Well I know we have all seen this idea on TV or movies but is it a reality yet? I think hallow grams and projections will be the next new thing in New Media. I know it exist somewhere but I don't think the public is taking full advantage of it yet. 

A few months ago there was a concert with the Late Tupac in it. No he's not alive, but there was a concert where they projected his image onto the stage with the other real live singer was performing. 

I've seen TV shows where there are classes being taught by teachers of Hallow-grams. And business meeting with not just a face on a TV but the how body is projected and the audience/class can interact with it.

What do you thing about that as being new- Would you participate- would you feel robbed if our in class teachers were a projection?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are top issues when considering new media. We as users of these areas of new media should be greatly informed and want to know about these pressing issues are it relates to all of us. Internet and online class, peer-to-peer sharing or file sharing, blog sites, podcast, youtube videos, virtual worlds etc. There are many concerns that we as new up and coming communication, journalist, writers, producers etc. should be worried about.

Many of us are aware of the issues with Intellectual properties. These areas are things that are underlining turning points for us as young professionals coming into a world that is all but nice.
For example I have a few friends that have personal blogs that they take very seriously because that is their passion. There is nothing wrong with that, because blogs are like the new magazines/newspapers. But with that said, the information they are including in their blogs and their creative “nitch” is not copy righted. Being a somewhat veteran in the business realm I am aware of these issues an can show some light on the topic for them, but others are not as lucky to have people like me.

I know play-writers, movie producers, singers, song writers, artist, etc. that have had their life’s work taken from them all because they didn’t have it copy written or did research on starting a business before dealing with clients.

Giving information, work, etc. and posting it on the internet is not the best way to go until you have all the information that is needed to protect yourself.

Peer- To- Peer File Sharing

File sharing is basically the practice of distributing or circulating to provide access to digital stored information like pictures, sounds, files, documents, etc. Peer to peer file sharing. Peer to peer file sharing is a little more beneficial to the persons participating in the sharing. It includes sharing all kinds of file most commonly music, movies, videos, etc. This allows users to actually save and download the document. One of the biggest and well know peer-to-peer file sharing is Napster, BearShare, LimeWire, and FrostWire.

In the article” Should Online Scofflaw be denied Web Access” published by New York Time in 2009 by Eric Pfanner, states the question “Is Internet access a fundamental human right? Or is it a privilege, carrying with it a responsibility for good behavior?”. The right to be able to use the Internet as well as understanding what is actually being carried out while users are online. This is a common and current issue that continues to come up.

Privacy will continue to be issues with any type file sharing and “downloading” anything off line. While this continues to be an issue it is something that the public will continue to have to consider.

Creativity and New Media

For my new media blog about creativity I decided to show/post a few of my favorite youtube most creative videos. In new media there are tons of opportunity for new business and current businesses to expand and reach a larger crowd; especially for marketing purposes. For example- the new craze of “Flash Mobs”. Look at the links below:

These are just  a couple ways that buzz can be brought to a new or old company very fast as well as just conversation about how to get more people to come in, whether they buy items or not is not the question but we know they are there.

This would have to be my favorite… Target and Beyonce just got a lot of free marketing.