Thursday, November 15, 2012

Peer- To- Peer File Sharing

File sharing is basically the practice of distributing or circulating to provide access to digital stored information like pictures, sounds, files, documents, etc. Peer to peer file sharing. Peer to peer file sharing is a little more beneficial to the persons participating in the sharing. It includes sharing all kinds of file most commonly music, movies, videos, etc. This allows users to actually save and download the document. One of the biggest and well know peer-to-peer file sharing is Napster, BearShare, LimeWire, and FrostWire.

In the article” Should Online Scofflaw be denied Web Access” published by New York Time in 2009 by Eric Pfanner, states the question “Is Internet access a fundamental human right? Or is it a privilege, carrying with it a responsibility for good behavior?”. The right to be able to use the Internet as well as understanding what is actually being carried out while users are online. This is a common and current issue that continues to come up.

Privacy will continue to be issues with any type file sharing and “downloading” anything off line. While this continues to be an issue it is something that the public will continue to have to consider.

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